Songs you could never dig

Songs you could never dig April 20, 2011

This weekend I will be sharing some Holy Week music and meditations, but before we get serious, I thought it might be entertaining to ask my readers this question: What’s one Christian song, for our purposes preferably SG, that everybody talks about and loves, but for whatever reason just doesn’t click for you?

The bigger the better. Try to think of something that’s very highly regarded by a lot of people, including critics. Then explain a little of your reasoning behind not liking it. Be honest, but be thoughtful.
(Just to refresh folks’ memory, that song would be “Champion of Love” for me. I simply never got what was supposed to be so inspirational and profound about it. For some reason, the picture of Jesus Christ as a prizefighter amidst a crowd of screaming sports fans just doesn’t appeal to me. Plus, it’s uncomfortably similar to a certain very famous Carman song, though even I must concede that it is not THAT cheesy. There’s cheddar, and then there’s Limburger.)

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