Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday April 21, 2011

Why? It’s a simple question, but sometimes there isn’t much of an answer in sight. Many people think that’s sufficient reason not to believe in God.

I wonder if they realize that Jesus Christ asked the very same question. When he took our sin upon him and was separated from the Father, he cried out asking, “Why hast thou forsaken me?” And when he was in the garden of Gethsemane, he asked that God might let the cup pass from him, momentarily seeming to be unsure of what would happen. But he trusted the Father’s will to be done.
If we are to follow Jesus’ example, we must do the same. Even when it seems that there is no hope to cling to, we must cling to the assurance that there is One who will provide, and One whose will for us is more perfect than we could imagine.
I encourage you to listen to this song today, and really let the excellent poetry sink in. “Why,” by Michael Card (with Sara Groves on vocals, Phil Keaggy on guitar, and John Catchings on cello):

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