Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving to all! Here’s Jason Crabb and Gordon Mote. These two guys seem to go together like turkey and stuffing:

I’m taking the rest of the week off to enjoy the holiday. Meanwhile, please leave your suggestions for a Thanksgiving mix on my ipod. We have no shortage of songs for Christmas, but let’s see how many thankfulness songs you can come up with. Note: They need not necessarily all be from southern gospel.
And tell us what you’re thankful for today! Here’s my random list:
1. Mom and Dad
2. sisters (yes, really)
3. a receding cold (in time for me to taste my Thanksgiving food)
4. sunny days with no frost on my windshield
5. a two-term presidency limit
6. connecting cables which help you connect things… and stereo splitters
7. food
8. food
9. food
10. and conservative homeschooled friends
11. and Michael Booth
12. and fluffy bunnies
(I made that last part up myself.)

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