CCM vs. SG Smackdown: "The Blood of Jesus"

CCM vs. SG Smackdown: "The Blood of Jesus" October 1, 2013

I got to see Wayne Watson perform his song “The Blood of Jesus” live in concert the other night, which I had never heard before. He told the story of how it was inspired by him trying (unsuccessfully) to picture two biker boys he met walking into heaven. This video contains both the story and a performance of the song, very classily done with just Wayne on acoustic and a little choir behind him. I think it comes off a little Ken Medema-ish, which is a good thing.

I thought that while I’m polishing off that concert review (with pictures!) I’d set this song up with a song of the same name from our own The Collingsworth Family. While Watson’s “Blood” is more of a story-song with black gospel overtones, this is straightahead white gospel/inspo material. I personally enjoy both very much in their own way. See what you think…

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